What We Do

What we do

We empower children who can not walk without assistance to reach their potential. We do this by obtaining funding through the Lions organisation for walking devices that get kids out of their wheel chairs and on to their feet so they are able to walk, explore, play, work and socialise. This makes them stronger and healthier – physically, emotionally and mentally. Walking is our gift to the child, a gift that benefits the child, their family and friends.

Our on- going goal is to provide a walker to every child in Australia who needs one.



Children have been fitted with a walker.


Provided through ALCMF to fund walkers.

How it works

We rely on the child’s therapist or physiotherapist for referrals.

Physiotherapists and therapists:

If you know a child who would benefit from a walking device (to enable them to walk) – this is the process to work with us

  1. First speak with the child's parents or carers.
  2. Contact us via our Contact page.
  3. A Grant Application (GA) will be required to be completed and forwarded to the appropriate State or Territory partner who will log it and then contact our Registrar.
  4. The Registrar will then send the GA to the appropriate State Trustee who will begin the funding process.
  5. Funding will come via the Lions, Lioness and/or Leos of Australia. We also work with corporate sponsors where possible.

Parents and carers:

Contact your Physiotherapist or Therapist.